Live Trade Bots
They are all live for your happiness
livetradebots.com is a site where many different trading robots are explained.

Why should i use a trading robot?
Robots don’t have feelings,
Robots don’t get sick, don’t go to the toilet and don’t go out of business,
Robots follow the market for you when you sleep or do your work,
Order submission speed of robots is 100 times faster than manual order submission,
By examining the past transactions of the robots, you can make your risk analysis and adjust your leverage amount according to your profit and loss ratio.

Why should i use livetradebots.com ?
The robots introduced were tested for a certain period of time.
The sample return analyzes of the introduced robots are explained.
The process statistics of the introduced robots are shown.

Legal liability
The investing information provided on this page is for educational and software purposes only. livetraderobots.com does not offer advisory or brokerage services, nor does it recommend or advise investors to buy or sell particular stocks, securities or other investments.
investors can use the robots they like.
Livetradebots.com doesn’t know which exchanges, pairs and settings traders want to use.
All responsibility belongs to the investors.
Livetrade.com only produces software.
The parity and settings used in the description of the robots are given as an example.

Algorithmic trading
It seems like a very simple task by many people. Being a very good software developer and a good algo designer are two different concepts.
Live Statistics
You can see all the statistical data of the bot you selected.
The interface and data charges you use belong to you.

We work for your algo trading bots

One life, trade it 🙂
Mossin Nagant


Financial Forecasting
Dr. Yunus Santur

Trade for honor!
Only Fibonacci
Let’s work together on your
next web project
Livetradebots is a collaborative platform used by algo developers.
You can contact us to promote and sell your products.